*Above is an interview with the wonderful and Sarnia-born Nick Docktare regarding his time volunteering in Gaza, Palestine. Nick is a brave nurse who demonstrates at least one method of providing serious humanitarian aid.

Welcome To

Sarnians For Palestine


Peaceful Demonstrations

~ Weekly

Movie Nights

~ Monthly




Who Are We?
Sarnia Supporters of Palestine are a community of Canadians from Sarnia, Ontario working together to advocate for peace and justice for Palestinans as well as fight ethnic cleansing,
occupation, and colonisation of the Palestinian people.


Our Vision

Being contributors to Justice and Peace.



Our Mission
Create an empowering, safe community that advocates for rights of the Palestinians by upholding principles of justice and peace.To achieve this, we work together, speaking with
one unified and powerful voice to promote justice, empower our communities, bring local and national constituents together, and educate our friends and neighbours. We strive to create innovative programs and events that advocate and promote the truth and achieve positive social change.

Motivated by our responsibility to stand up for what is right, we embrace volunteerism, and dialogue, and we commit to bring a stronger community together in support of our Palestinian friends and families.


What Do We Believe?
Palestinians should have the same rights and freedoms as anyone else. But right now they do not.
We believe no one should have their rights denied or be treated differently because of their ethnicity or religion. But this is happening to the Palestinian people at the hands of the Israeli government this very moment.
We believe there can be a peaceful and just resolution to the decades of occupation and oppression, one that respects the rights and dignity of Palestinians. But until this happens, we have a responsibility to stand up for Palestinian rights.
We believe that change in Canada can affect change in Palestine. The Israeli occupation can only survive as long as the international community supports it. As a key ally of Israel, the Canadian government is well placed to have a significant impact by correcting its stance.
We believe that when people stand together, we have the power to change the course of history. So, we are building a mass movement for Palestine, starting here in Sarnia.

Together we are standing up to our government, big business, and the deceitful media making it clear that occupation, the flouting of international law, and state-sanctioned discrimination is not acceptable.




Specific Issues we focus on and are concerned with:

- Palestinian rights

- Colonization of Palestinian land and people

- Killing of Children

- Stopping the Genocide in Gaza

- War Crimes

- Ethnic Cleansing

- Population Displacement

- Illegal Confiscation of Land

- Illegal Settlements

- Apartheid

- Collective Punishment

- Demolition of Houses

- Military Occupation

- Rulings of the highest court (International Court of Justice)

- Internation law and UN Resolutions



How do I find out more about what is going on in Palestine and Israel?


 - A good resource to learn the basic history of Palestine, check the Decolonize Palestine site:


There will be lots of information available in the resources section of our website (Coming..)

For up-to-date information about what is happening on the ground you can also follow us on Sarnia Gaza Supporters SGS (@sarnia_gaza_supporters_sgs)

•Coalition of Canadian Palestinian Organizations Group of the Canadian Palestinian:
    Community organization unified by one great Goal, got together in 2018 and worked hard to create a coalition that is been always needed to help our community and cause and to help us be more effective and organized.


•Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) have some brilliant resources on their website
including factsheets, addressing difficult topics about Israel and Palestine.

•The Visualizing Palestine website has some brilliant infographics that illustrate the wide-ranging impact of Israeli colonisation on Palestinians, including the shrinking of
Palestinian land, the discriminatory Israeli ID card system, and the illegal separation Wall.

There are a number of news sites that offer excellent coverage of Palestine
including Middle East Monitor, Ma’an News Agency, Electronic Intifada, and Middle East Eye.






"Many of us like to ask ourselves, 'What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you're doing it. Right now." - Aaron Bushnell, U.S. Airman working as an Air Force Cyber-defense Specialist